Contact details - MTK en
Contact us
Brussels Office - EU affairs
Brussels office
Rue de Trèves 61 (6th floor)
B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
Telephone +358 20 4131
E-mail addresses are in the format

Hanna Leiponen-Syyrakki
Director, Brussels Office
+358 40 094 7633
+32 47 650 2704

Maarit Holma
Assistant, Brussels Office
+358 20 413 2810
+32 473 93 3187

Riikka Karjalainen
+32 471 330924

Jussi Savander
EU Advisor - Animal Husbandry & Cooperatives, Brussels Office
+32 47 733 1958
International affairs

Juha Ruippo
Director, trade policy and international relations
+358 20 413 2341
+358 40 55 33 232
European Economic and Social Committee
Personnel by department
Content with Yhteystietoluokitus .

Perttu Pyykkönen
Director, members and organisation
+358 20 413 2520
+358 40 075 4928

Merja Elomaa
Senior Advisor, membership benefits and member communication
+358 20 413 2323
+358 40 661 8699

Pertti Hakanen
Head of Field operations
+358 20 413 2004
+358 50 050 5997

Klaus Hartikainen
Head of member communication
+358 20 413 2316
+358 40 169 2060
Päivi Jukkara
Senior Advisor, membership register
+358 20 413 2061
+358 50 368 7074

Anna-Liisa Knuuti
Senior Advisor, member education
+358 20 413 2401
+358 40 128 1299

Sirpa Lintunen
+358 44 084 3352

Vesa Malila
Lawyer, organisational issues
+358 20 413 2424
+358 40 500 0878

Taina Nylund
Assistant, organisation practices
+358 20 413 2304
+358 40 753 2020

Susanna Palkkimäki
Senior Advisor, member services
+358 20 413 2618
+358 40 832 1866

Matti Rehula
Senior Advisor, member services
+358 40 5813 149

Meri Remes
Senior Advisor, young farmers
+358 40 532 9636
Contact details in Helsinki
The offices of the Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners are located in Helsinki city centre.
Street address:
Simonkatu 6
Postal address:
P.O. Box 510, 00101 Helsinki, Finland
Telephone +358 20 4131